Have you ever heard the Telegram hacking stories or seen leaked photos and conversations on social media? Don’t be afraid, you will never be the victim on these stories if you apply two-step verification on your favorite application. Or used the application correctly to avoid being hacked. Because intrusions usually occur depending on the errors you make while using the application. Such as:
There is no doubt that caution is important to avoid being hacked and protect your account. But the Telegram security team provided a feature to protect your account and it’s called two-step verification. An extra step that appears when you log on using your account. So, if someone else tries to sign in to your account using another phone he will certainly need to get the PIN code you received to complete the registration.
To activate 2-step verification for Telegram application please follow the instructions:
Now, you’ve locked your account and protected it from hacking. You can use your Telegram without being afraid of hacking. But still we recommend that you avoid talking to strangers and follow only trusted channels.
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EarthLink is a Home User app and Reseller App is an app for resellers to keep a track on their business.
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Starting a new point from Earthlink requires you submit a request that contains the tower suggested a geographic location in KML format so that our technical staff can know and study the location. And in order to get the location in KML format, you must use
After logging in Google using your Gmail account, you can jump to Google Maps and click on the box near the search area “search Google Maps”. After that go ahead and click on “Your places”. On the new menu click on “ Maps” then choose “Create New” on the bottom of the menu. The site will take you to another page. Now, search for the tower location and locate it. You may use the “add marker” option that you will find on the upper part of the page, name the point and save it.
Now, you can save the map in KML format by clicking on the three dots on the front of the map’s name and choosing “Export to KML”. Put a Tick mark in front of “Export to a.KML file (for full icon support, use .KMZ).” and Download. Then attach the downloaded file with your request.